Systems Review and Selection

Essential steps to evaluating an ERP sytsem

  • Ensure you have an executive sponsor for the full life cycle of your ERP system and we explain the strategic role of the ERP system among company executives
  • Set regular intervals to measure and refine your solution, crate an annual budget plan for continuous improvement while keeping up to date with the technological innovations to enhance your ERP system
  • Identify effective solutions to connect mobility & ERP and assess the productivity opportunities in your mobile operations
  • Audit ERP users and provide focused, practical training as well as targeted training in your annual ERP budgeting and planning
  • Assess whether the technology environment supports your ERP solution goals and implement a support strategy to meet your company’s long-term ERP requirements
  • Define and execute a data archiving and data management strategy – data cleanse
  • Develop a corporate plan to capitalize on your ERP-facilitated culture of success and involve key contributors in communicating opportunities for business transformation
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